MURMURATIONS: a unique transformational community.

Our greatest gift is how we are being together. Coming together in shared intent amplifies personal power and purpose. Like a flock of birds dancing in murmuration, synchronized by Grace, it is time for us to show up as One, for something bigger than ourselves.

A new era is ushering in a new way of being-

Metamorphosis is all around you.

Change is brewing within and around you, calling you to coherence with the whole- inside and out.

Will you embrace or resist the call?

If you are committed to your path of healing, awakening and taking your place in service of the Whole- come, come alive!

Embody power, pleasure and Higher Purpose, to serve in conscious partnership with Life!

Join us to meet the magic of the emergent, showing up fully with your own! Heal disconnects that keep you stuck, separate and suffering.

Awaken and align energy and consciousness to realize your deepest longing! Your intention is your compass. Your Life situation the alchemist and Truth your guide.

Connect with heart, purpose and others in a true community of care. Learn how Life actually works, and use it to fuel your evolution. Heal inner division to embody vibrant wholeness. Take your rightful place in the murmuration of Humanity.


Cohorts 3+4 are full and in progress.
Cohorts 1+2 are complete.

Come walk in Truth and Love with us!

“Where people sing, laugh, cry, dance, without any sense of hesitation or shame, such people will purify the universe.”

– Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, quoting Sri Krishna from the Mahabharata

You’ve tasted the fruit of inner work, therapy and spiritual practice. Now it’s time to integrate it all together with aligned action into the next level of your development, knowing Who You Are. All alongside inspiring peers and seasoned guides, standing with and for your brilliance.

Hear what’s it’s like from the inside!

“It’s changing how I relate to people…it’s affected everything. It’s been marvelous to feel this shift in me. It’s been such a fruitful experience.”

– Bryce Lupoli, Meditation Teacher

“Murmurations is one of the most powerful experiences I’ve ever had…”

– Eva Armour, Director of Impact & Strategy, Seeds of Peace

“It’s helping me re-pattern the way I run energy in my body and my Life and how I’m able to contain myself and hold myself…in a way I knew was possible, but didn’t know how.”

-April McMurtry, Founder, The Moon is My Calendar

Garden of the Heart is an original song written and performed by Anna Gibson in closing our winter 2021 cohort, inspired by and celebrating our journey in Murmurations.

The song points to the heart of our intentions here.

How we come together matters

Precisely when we need to, it can feel scary to show up for ourselves and truly include others. And our future being crafted right now, depends on it.

Together we will build capacity to hold our own and meet in mutuality, to grow and serve something greater than us all.

Embracing the fullness of our experience, we will reach into ourselves, and out to others, from a place of fullness that begets fullness.

“Through Murmurations I have learned to listen to my true self with more and more clarity.

I have grown in strength, curiosity, owning and expressing parts of me that due to upbringing, culture, past trauma and external norms had been suppressed for too long. 

Murmurations for me has resulted in breaking old constructs that no longer serve! I listen to my body more, I listen to my heart more, I express myself more, becoming less fearful, less afraid of change and of conflict.

Lorena Toffer
Architect, Educator + Activist

Power. Pleasure. Fulfillment.

It will uplift every aspect of your life…”

Because as you heal and expand, so does your whole Life.

Together we will explore the intersection of three essential aspects of our conscious evolution- self-transcendence (experiencing expanded states of awareness), embodiment (integrating and living our expansion through our body-heart-mind) and alignment (with Natural Intelligence in word and deed, being and doing, in harmony with Life itself).

We will meet Human to Human, Self to Self, to live the essential questions of our Life, like:

* What stops us from unconditionally loving ourselves? Each other? Life itself?
* How can we transform our past to create a truly new future?

* How can we integrate our need for belonging, authenticity and meaningful expression?
* How can we engage and exchange our energy effectively?

* How can conflict become generative and bring us closer?
* What emerges when we all come together in this way?

A 1-1 conversation is the first step to enroll in the course. We’ll tune into your unique circumstance and explore if this intensive serves you at this time.

Since I’ve engaged in Murmurations, this group has become a very dear part of my journey of discovery- the discovery of the lived and felt experience of aligning more and more with my essence and moving along with and as Life in its multiple forms.

It is a journey of great beauty and also challenges, as all kind of emotions, un-liberated pains and unconscious beliefs will surface and want to be met. I really feel fortunate to be here and grateful to Ishita for her skillful, wise and loving guidance.

Günter Cepek, Life Coach

Small group of inspiring peers, 6 transformational months, 12 live group calls, 2 individual sessions, 2 personalized consults, 1 group cacao ceremony, group practices, partnered session exchanges, tailored home practices, an online community, massive amounts of FUN and so much more!

This transformational community is for you if you are wanting:
– embodied presence, regardless of circumstance.
– congruence in being, having and doing.
– to harness the wisdom of your body-heart-mind-spirit!
– to deepen connection and create nourishing relationships.
– to realize personal power in ways that heal and connect.
– to deeply love and understand yourself and the nature of experience.
– to explore how Life actually works, and use it to grow.
– to come out of your closet, express your truth and embody your purpose.
– to connect with the cycles of nature and make sense of your role on Earth. 
playful and grounded spiritual development in a sandbox of value-aligned peers! 

“A voyage into inner and outer exploration that felt both safe and vulnerable at the same time. In a year full of so much struggle and uncertainty, this little bubble of wonder played a huge role in helping me shift from the quarantine doldrums into a mindset of love, abundance and hope.”

– Andy Pyman, Web Designer + Developer

Intention organizes chaos.

Align being, doing and having.

We will ask you to live your intentions, examine blocks and issues from new perspectives, step out of the familiar and take aligned action. And it all starts with the seed of your deepest longing.

We will set intentions for ourselves individually, reflecting the overall group intention. You will bring live issues you want to work through or a quality you want to cultivate and we will seed it into the group’s field.

We will explore the personal, inter-personal and trans-personal dynamics of our intentions and hindrances that surface in our everyday lives.

“I feel rejuvenated and really filled up and empowered by the stories of (these) new people in my life. For me it was also a demonstration of the power of a great container…I got so much out of it.”

– Noelle Janka, Coach

We will mirror your light and your shadow.

Bring your open heart and curious mind to meet others in a space that unifies and amplifies both.

You will be gently challenged in service of your freedom and growth. We will examine shadow aspects of ourselves and our group as they surface, inviting them into an integrated whole, held by Resource.

After a few intense years (and indeed a lifetime) of expending my energies in an unsustainable way — through activism, justice work, and intimate relationships — my wells were running dry. I was hungry for commitments and communities that would allow me to practice being in the flow of this world, learning how to find ease and alignment and maybe even joy amidst all the pain and struggle of this global moment.

From my first call with Ishita, Murmurations has helped me do that.

Each call has helped me tap into a deep sense of abundance, resource, and interconnectedness. I leave our sessions feeling simultaneously more connected to my self and to all that surrounds me. Slowly, slowly, I can feel my well filling back up. I hope that many others — especially those also mourning the state of our world — can experience the unique, beautiful, and emergent space that is Murmurations. As my dear friend in Detroit often says, “Community is indeed the antidote to despair.”

-Kateri Boucher, Writer, Editor, Activist

Our journey will merge present moment emergence with themed explorations of self and other, universal and particular…

Module 1

  1. Nature of Experience
  2. Response Ability + Energetics of Presence
  3. Conscious Intention + Subtle Dynamics
  4. The Wisdom of Your Body
  5. Being and Becoming: Personal Identity and Role
  6. Self-Love: Healing Blame, Shame, Guilt
  7. Emotional Fluidity
  8. Intimacy + Mutuality: Power, Authenticity + Boundaries
  9. Desire: Wants, Needs and Relationship
  10. Purpose: Your Unique Life Path and Universal Longing
  11. Following the Impulse: Personal, Group and Natural Coherence
  12. Surrender

After our first module we may choose to re-create our group after a break, for another 6 months in Module 2 & then 3, building on the foundations we have laid together to deepen integration and exploration (by invitation only).

Module 2
1. Living Meditation
2. Defense vs. Presence: recognizing safety strategies
3. Indigenous Spiritual Roots
4. Inherited ancestral disturbances + healing
5. Inner Fire: desire, sexual energy + life force
6. Money + Having
7. Emotional processing + maturity
8. Direct Self-Inquiry

Module 3
1. Navigating healthy conflict
2. Subtle dynamics in relationship
3. Ceremony: becoming Sacred Humans
4. Re-patterning: secure Attachment
5. Masculine + Feminine Polarities
6. Systemic family constellations
7. Group & personal process
8. Reaching + completion

About the facilitator

Ishita Sharma is the Founding Director of Come to Center. She helps clients heal disconnects and mine the gold hidden in everyday challenges to live a life that is connected, expansive and joyful!

She draws on her unique capacity to attune to her clients’ nervous systems and guide contraction and confusion into clarity and ease. Her incisive approach is grounded in spacious, loving connection.

Ishita sees her role here as a bridge between cultures, paradigms and dimensions- marrying western intellect and eastern spirit through the wisdom of the human heart and body. 

Contending the future of humanity hinges upon healing division within and between us, Ishita supports individuals and groups alike to wake up, step up and show up together for the world we wish to see.

Supporting Faculty

Module 1

Giovanna Garcia facilitates healing and heart opening cacao ceremonies in the tradition of her teachers from Mexico and Guatemala.

She helps women embody their authentic expression to return to their innate divinity and health and nourish themselves on all levels.

Giovanna holds a Bachelor’s in Nutritional Sciences, is a certified Natural Chef and has trained in Energy Healing.

Awakening hearts as she touches them, cacao inspires us to let joy shine through the cracks of heart break. She is a gentle teacher.

In Murmurations Giovanna will guide and support group coherence in sacred ceremonial space through cacao plant medicine, drum and sound journey, sacred song and meditation.

Module 2

Lorraine H. DeLear, Ph. D. has cultivated embodiment of felt sense for over 30 years.

Her experiences have given her unique understandings necessary to bridge conflicting paradigms and synthesize new ways of identifying unique abilities and ways of perceiving.

In Murmurations she will guide the group into an exploration of Divine desire.

Lorraine has worked and studied with gifted teachers, scientists, healers and sages including: 10 year shaman apprenticeship with ethnobotanicals, 4 year mentorship w/ research scientist Dr. George T.F. Yao, Holistic Healthcare Practitioner in Eastern & Western bodywork, Doctorate in Philosophy in Healing Science at the Victoria Merkle Center of Energy Medicine & Initiation into Yemanja in the Yoruba tradition under the tutelage of Chief Iya Nalfa Efunyale (Mother Taylor).

Sarah Sandhill has been a Facilitator for the Human Awareness Institute and Sex Educator with over 20 years of experience. She has coached individuals and couples, specializing in relationship and sexuality issues. Sarah’s down-to-earth, nurturing style creates a safe space for all people to explore and celebrate their sexuality and spirituality.

Lyuba Venable is a coach, trainer and public speaker. Through her open and vulnerable style, she leaves audiences inspired, open to honesty, and interested in new possibilities. Having learned from Master Mantak Chia, Charles Muir, Somatica and the Human Awareness Institute, Lyuba marries multiple disciplines together.

In Murmurations Sarah and Lyuba will help the group reclaim sacred sexuality and reconnect with creative life-force energy.

“The combination of Ishita’s loving container and the group of people who self select to do this work was wonderful! In the lifelong journey of finding all the unloved parts of yourself and giving them love, this group work was potent.

To see others showing up is inspiring and helped motivate me to show up more for myself…one of the best uses of the screen I normally hate.”

-Dan P., Artist/Roboticist

Intrigued? Here are 3 ways to feel the power of this work

1. Join a free facilitated community experience

Every aspect of our experience is pointing back to our True Nature. It’s a call back to wholeness, and yet we distance ourselves from parts of it. Cultivating our capacity to integrate our experiences is generative and empowering.

Join Ishita and like-hearted peers for an experiential conversation on receiving and relaxing into the width of our experience, accepting Life’s invitations into embodied presence.

Together we will explore embracing rather than rejecting or fatalizing parts of ourselves, others and Life to release roadblocks to experiencing states of flow and coherence within and without.


  • Explore contrast between inner discordance and inner coherence in our own experience.
  • Practice an experiential somatic meditation.
  • Experience the healing power of inner and group coherence.
  • Have space to share, ask questions.
  • Learn about deeper upcoming offerings to engage and answer your inner call to coherence in Murmurations + Basics.

In times of accelerated growth, communities of care are balm for the soul. And a community is formed when we come together with authenticity, openness and respect.

This will be such a call.

Come experience this work for yourself and see if it’s right for you! Bring your curiosity, openness and willingness to explore.

There is no fee. All you need to do is register.

Please share this invitation widely with anyone who would enjoy and benefit from attending. All are welcome. No experience necessary!

2. Catch a Community Call recording

FLOW: Inner Coherence Community Call – Catch the recording above

Our global community gathers periodically to examine and digest our big questions, challenges and yearnings that surface often. Join us!

As you listen, follow the exercises and feel what is being pointed to through your whole body. Moved? We’d love to hear how you were touched. To share your learnings and impressions email Ishita.

Feel free to share these recordings with anyone you sense could benefit from it. We want to share this wisdom widely.

3. Learn the energetics of Presence


Foundational skills to reduce friction in your life – inside and out.

together we will

  • Learn foundational principles of healing and mysticism from your direct experience!
  • Benefit from being held in an energetic matrix specifically designed to support this phase of your evolution.
  • Access personal, group and universal intelligence.
  • Integrate intuitive, somatic, emotional and intellectual aspects of being.
  • Share your gifts and receive what others have to offer, deeply seeing and being seen.
  • Create personal rituals to re-attune to inner wisdom and nature’s rhythms.
  • Learn Basics- foundational tools to embody presence, deepen connection to yourself, others and purpose.
  • Explore and set relational and personal boundaries that nourish your well-being.
  • Create meaningful relationships based in mutuality.
  • Feel the freedom and healing power of vulnerability and authenticity.
  • Most importantly, all while having FUN!

course components

  • An intimate group of inspiring peers for depth and personalized attention.
  • 12 Live, facilitated bi-weekly 2 hour calls with your group via Zoom.
  • Access to call recordings shared only with participants.
  • 2 individual 1 hr sessions with Ishita Sharma to align and deepen your growth online or via phone. Option to add more at a discounted rate.
  • 1 virtual cacao ceremony with Giovanna Garcia to augment group coherence and connect to your own intuition. You will receive ceremonial cacao and preparation instructions.
  • Private Facebook group for connection and sharing resources with others between modules.
  • Each call will combine teaching with experiential individual, paired and group exercises, sharing and Q&A.

your investment

  • You will invest a minimum of 30 mins per day attending to practices designed to augment your growth including:
  • Personalized home practices including meditations and sacred tasks that stretch you out of your familiar zone.
  • Mini presence exchanges with other participants between modules to facilitate connection and healing.
  • Opt-in weekly check-ins with a rotating partner for support.
  • Assigned books to accompany our journey.
  • Selected videos and audios to expand our perspectives.
  • Periodic 60-90 min. practice calls with group participants between facilitated sessions – time and day decided by the group.

“There are a lot of ways we can come to feel stuck, out of touch, or disconnected from something essential about life. And there are so many books, methods, and experts that offer us surefire ways out of these dilemmas.

Murmurations is different. In five months it has changed the way I live for the better.

I’m convinced that working with Ishita has more to offer so I plan to continue for another half-year. I am continuing because, in a time of transition and change in my life, my work in this course has improved my relationships with myself and the people in my life.

It has offered me practices to connect with center, a place of wholeness and self-love where vision is clearer and it’s easier to align intentions and action. I’ve gained self-knowledge around connection, vulnerability, boundaries, and balancing emotional safety and risk.

And I have gained a community of kind fellow seekers to offer support, fun, and loving accountability in my growth.

I recommend working with Ishita to anyone curious about new ways to grow as a person and connect with life and the people we share it with.”

– Ben A., Murmurations Cohort 1

our energy exchange

Tuition for Murmurations Module 1 may be paid in full or in monthly installments following an initial deposit. It includes 12 facilitated group calls, 2 individual integration sessions, 1 intention setting ceremony, 1 cacao ceremony and materials, tailored home practices, meditations, movies, readings and exclusive access to our online community.

Once accepted and invited into the course a $1,000 deposit secures your place, followed by a single payment of $3,000 or 5 monthly installments of $700.

If your financial situation is the only thing inhibiting participation, apply and open a conversation with Ishita. We will find an arrangement that works for all and make healing your relationship with money part of your path in Murmurations.

1. If you register for Murmurations by OCTOBER 31st you can receive an additional gifted 30 min. session with Ishita to help clarify your intentions.

2. Register for a BASICS Weekend Immersive and Murmurations, to receive $200 off of tuition. It’s a great way to taste the work and learn a foundational skillset we hone in Murmurations

3. If you bring in others into the course who are accepted into it, you can receive $250 each off of your first payments.

To expand access to this work in a good way, there is a scholarship fund covering up-to 50% of tuition for TWO people in need, committed to their growth and healing. Scholarship recipients will be asked to make monetary exchange within their reach. Our hope is to ease your burden while still honoring our energy exchange.

You are invited to contribute to the scholarship fund, if you are able to support others in need. For more information please get in touch.

Admission is on a rolling basis, space is limited to 10 and the course is expected to be full. Please apply early if you are interested.

The same fears and resistances that keep you from meeting your truest self, keep you from realizing your longings.

If you are ready to show up for yourself, we are here to show up for you.

Joining Murmurations is a significant investment of your time, attention and resources into yourself- one that we truly honor and respect. This inner journey asks for courage, curiosity and commitment, and the gifts it yields are priceless.

If you’ve read this far, follow your resonance and just apply!
All you need to get started is curiosity and a commitment to realizing your intentions.

“I am getting better at loving myself! I also got that the things that feel so scary to reveal are totally fine and have their own kind of beauty! I saw all of us go through our own “No I can’t say that!” to “No, it’s great!”

– Roopa D. (Takeaways from the intensive)

Not ready to journey together? Join our mailing list to stay connected.

Subscribe to stay in touch!
Let’s create the community we want to belong to, together.



A: Murmurations consists of an intimate group of committed, inspiring peers who meet bi-weekly for 6 months.

We gather every other week for 12 x 2 hr facilitated live group calls, punctuated by additional calls led by guest faculty, peer sessions and/or ceremonies and consults online.

You each receive individual sessions with Ishita to support integration and depending on the module, an herbalist session, group intention ceremony, group cacao ceremony, group ancestral healing ceremony, group workshop on desire and sexuality, and transformational game and movie nights.

You will also explore other small group practices, readings, videos, weekly partnered presence session exchanges, tailored home practices, an online community, massive amounts of FUN and so much more!


A: We’ll know better once we connect. But you’re likely a good fit if you (and I mean this), be the change you wish to see, you’re feeling something is missing from your life, and you’re wanting:
– to live anchored in your center regardless of circumstances.
– to align with your Truth and expand your Purpose (self-honesty, self-love, and aligned self-expression).
– more real and connecting relationships.
– to deeply love and understand yourself and the nature of your experience.
– to connect with the cycles of nature and make sense of your role on Earth. 
– playful and grounded spiritual development in a sandbox of value-aligned peers! (I take fun seriously!)

and you’re ready to:
– honor your inner harmonic and rhythm
– get curious and meet your light and your shadows!
– be challenged in service of your growth.
– take responsibility for your own maturation and development.
– examine and heal the narratives that keep you bound in shame. 
– learn with and from Ishita and others in your group.
– commit and align attention, energy and resources towards your growth and create the life you desire.


A: A truly impressive group is forming, full of folks who are curious about life and themselves, committed to creating a fulfilling life, who want to clarify their voice, create more depth in relationships and to be of greater service in ways that nourish and align.

They come from different walks of life- teachers, healers, coaches, therapists, parents, artists, scientists and entrepreneurs. Many times we have pairs- mother and son, husband and wife come together to deepen their own relationships. Always, the common denominator is humility, sincerity, and a desire to be of greater service to the whole.


A: Currently, I plan to open a new cohort of Murmurations on a yearly rhythm, but I listen to the energy alive more rather than imposing a structure on launches. And, I will say that the hindrances that keep you from investing in and exploring yourself right now, echo those stopping you from realizing your intentions.

Agreed this is a significant commitment of resources, and I find that 90% of time/money/commitment hesitations are related to fear based inner-resistance or lack of value-recognition. Only rarely is it truly not in reach.

Learning to thrive in and despite the uncertainty around us, finding and establishing safety inside ourselves, rather than crutches we’ve been conditioned to, is what this intensive is all about. More often, once we dig in, people find they’re scared of the change they know will occur if they embark on this inner journey.

They’ll really have to grow up and show up- they won’t be able to stay in familiar confines, or hide within narratives of self-oppression. Yep. That happens. Behind the fear is your want for the very growth you’re afraid of. Honoring and meeting that fear takes courage, and is necessary for the fulfillment you seek.


A: YES! There is a scholarship fund that you can contribute to or receive from.

For more information on qualifying and securing a scholarship application please get in touch. 


A: I was nervous too- until I experienced the power of a true community to reveal and heal the scared parts of me! 

I saw how my mind told me stories that kept me feeling separate from others. Now I see myself in everyone I meet and there’s a lot more freedom, love and joy in my relationships! That’s the healing I wish for each of us and the special sauce groups like the ones I lead bring. 

Also- I think conscious community that recognizes our interconnectedness is the medicine we need to survive as a species.

It’s why Murmurations is about coming together as one being while fully owning our individuality. Sometimes, we are better suited for one over the other, but both group + individual work address different aspects of our growth. That’s why you’ll have 1:1s and individual, paired and group practices in Murmurations.


A: Doesn’t matter- whatever you heal in one aspect will seep into every other aspect of your life.

Story- I ran a 6 week version of this intensive a while ago. In that short time folks not only realized their intentions but also healed other aspects of their life, because inner alignment makes all else fall into place.

For instance, there were 2 people whose intentions were “I always choose love” and “My pleasure is my alignment.”

As they began living their intentions with loving reflections from the group, they saw more inner kindness develop and their smoking habits drop away even though it wasn’t their explicit intention to do so- and they’re still not smoking 6 months later. That’s just one example of the power of this work- obviously you don’t have to smoke- you get the idea!

Imagine what can happen in 6 months! Or just see what participants are sharing of their experience of the journey :)


A: Yes! This is where we will begin together.

We’ll help you recognize and nurture your truest longing, which will make all others fall into place. It can and will evolve as we go. Here are some powerful intentions people have brought in and realized in past groups to inspire you:
I always choose love.
I trust myself.
I am anchored in presence no matter what.
I stay with myself with love.

We start soon! 
If you’re curious, reach out. It may be just the kickstart you’ve been waiting for.

I have gained so much more, in addition to seeing myself with new eyes.

This promise of exploring new heights and depths has been very true for me and I am deeply grateful for Ishita’s keen insight and spiritual grounding which transcends traditional expectations.

Ishita gave me new tools for noticing, choosing and enforcing Boundaries (mine and others). We had the opportunity to practice testing and clarifying Boundaries and their outcomes. This resulted in real time solutions for me and those I love.

I unequivocally recommend exploring Life, Your Life, and the Universe, with Ishita. My Universe – heart, soul, knowing – have expanded beyond my traditions and book smarts. With each day, I see that there is much more to know.

I will be continuing my journey in Murmurations.”

– Kaye, MURMURATIONS cohort 1

You were made for this…

Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach. Any small, calm thing that one soul can do to help another soul, to assist some portion of this poor suffering world, will help immensely.

It is not given to us to know which acts or by whom, will cause the critical mass to tip toward an enduring good. What is needed for dramatic change is an accumulation of acts, adding, adding to, adding more, continuing. We know that it does not take everyone on Earth to bring justice and peace, but only a small, determined group who will not give up during the first, second, or hundredth gale.

One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul. Soul on deck shines like gold in dark times. The light of the soul throws sparks, can send up flares, builds signal fires, causes proper matters to catch fire. To display the lantern of soul in shadowy times like these — to be fierce and to show mercy toward others; both are acts of immense bravery and greatest necessity. Struggling souls catch light from other souls who are fully lit and willing to show it. If you would help to calm the tumult, this is one of the strongest things you can do.

There will always be times when you feel discouraged. I too have felt despair many times in my life, but I do not keep a chair for it. I will not entertain it. It is not allowed to eat from my plate.

In that spirit, I hope you will write this on your wall: When a great ship is in harbor and moored, it is safe, there can be no doubt. But that is not what great ships are built for.

–Clarissa Pinkola Estes

“Murmurations is an energetic movement that is far away from anything I knew before. It’s a safe place, a safe environment, a safe community, also things I didn’t know/feel this way before. Maybe I thought I did, but I didn’t.

And this is the base, my base now, to feel supported, to really explore the deepest in me. Ishita creates a space for everyone to grow, to feel connected and accepted just as you are.

My body more and more feels whole, and I start understanding from the inside. And there is no bigger gift than learning from the inside, to really feel changes from the inside. I am very grateful to be part of Murmurations.”

Isabel Amigo – Murmurations 3