
Embodied transformation for change-agents, seekers and visionaries committed to bettering our world, starting with themselves.

“If you’re hungry for movement in your life and willing to dig deep to create it, Ishita is your person…The results: clarity, awareness, ownership, appreciation, aliveness – and more love for yourself. Working with Ishita has been valuable to me on a lot of levels, and I highly recommend her.”

Nate Ball
Entrepreneur, Author, TV Host, Speaker + CEO

Realize the joy of true power, presence and Higher Purpose…

Power to Power. Self to Self. Light to Light.

What keeps you from fully loving yourself, your Life?
What if every experience became an invitation to know & love yourself more deeply?
What would become possible in that Reality? 

The one path to your deepest aliveness, to living your heart’s longings, is self-mastery.

Our mirror image can’t smile at us if we are scowling no matter how much we wish for it to! It isn’t possible to transcend without embracing ourselves first. That which keeps you from loving and accepting yourself as you are right here, right now, keeps you from living your deepest longings.

When we recognize that Life is simply reflecting back to us how we are being, our primary attention becomes “in here,” rather than “out there.” As we bring new consciousness and energy to old patterns clarity, joy, and effectiveness follow.

Addressing personal, inter-personal and trans-personal dynamics, come gain awareness and dexterity over how you direct your Life energies, instead of being directed by what you may call fate.

Heal inner division, confusion and persistent blocks where years of therapy and spiritual practice may have not…

MBTA + Harvard University

“An impeccable balance of warm love while cutting to the root of an issue. Warning! May cause uncontrollable laughter, increased smiling, increased self love, dizziness, feelings of resistance, and bouts of unadulterated joy!”

Cambridge Innovation Center, Head of EU & US

“I highly recommend working with Ishita if you’re ready for something different, ready to work, ready to be challenged, and ready to be loved!”

Founder of Coaches Rising

“Ishita is potent. (Her) depth of realization is palpable. Her presence is destabilizing in the best possible way, calling forth the deepest truth of who I am.”

Maybe something in you knows it’s time, to step into the honest longing for the call that brought you here. Come experience the magnificence you are, and let every aspect of your Life become its embodiment!

A mirror in service of the transformation you desire, Ishita reflects your truth, heart, power, through the hidden shadows of the past that still haunt your present, to freedom and authenticity.

Held and met in a rich field of immense Resource, drawing on your own intelligence and circle of support, you will be invited to release and re-pattern painful and limiting imprints in the wisdom of your own right rhythm, right timing and right relationship.

Grounded in presence, supported by Life, owning your place in the orchestra of Humanity, you can respond to Life as needed and play it as a game!

You are worthy. You are powerful.
You are whole. You are free!

How would it be to live this truth?

“When I’m with Ishita I feel fully held and seen in my Humanity and my Divinity.”
– Lars King, Life Coach

This way of working asks for courage, humility and authenticity from both client and facilitator. It is tailored to your’ particular needs in present moment arisings, within a container of loving acceptance and accountability in service of your intention.

Unconscious belief structures, valued and disowned identities and repetitive behavioral patterns are revealed where they limit your expression and transformed into aliveness and coherence!

In the course of our work it isn’t uncommon for addictions to fall away without efforting, for faces, voices and bodies to change. Clients’ find their inner critics soften, professional and intimate relationships, everyday decision-making and interactions become more aligned and easeful.

Open into the wild possibility of your own aliveness…

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