EQUINOX: Balancing masculine and feminine polarities

Happy Spring! And happy Equinox!

Let’s take a moment to celebrate we made it through a whole year in a pandemic amidst heightened tumult, before we begin life’s next movement. 

The Equinox is recognized by Yogis as a day conducive to inner harmony. When we attune and balance this dimension in ourselves, with necessary preparation, it gives us an assist on our path to liberation.

To help access this gift I recorded a meditation for everyone in MURMURATIONS

If you wish to receive this short 10 minute meditation practice just send me an email and let me know.

This exercise is for any one who wants to live a conscious life. It’s a space to tune into our inner masculine and feminine polarities and discern how they are relating within because awareness of our inner mechanics is the first step to self-mastery.

No matter what kind of body we are in, or how we identify, what we call Masculine and Feminine are fundamental principles that shape all our existence.

Those words point to the most elemental aspects of creation- beyond sex, gender, identity or sexual orientation.

These polarities in form the manifest– we know them as Yin and Yang, Shiva and Shakti, Anima and Animus, being and doing, active and receptive…heart and mind, intuitive and intellectual…and so on…in their union lies wholeness and in wholeness lies liberation.

We get so much information when we create space and tune in.

I visit this exercise every Equinox- it’s different every time. It clarifies my inner directives to tend to as I step into this next season. If you want some inspiration, you can see my meditative impressions here

I’ve been watching what folks in MURMURATIONS are discovering through the meditation as they share their words and drawings with us all- the wisdom surfacing in the depths of their silence is still blowing me away…

What are the movements wanting to happen in and through YOU?

Maybe you want to take a moment and tune in to…find out who’s here now, how your inner man and woman are, and through them, what you need to balance these dimensions for a wholesome life. If you want my guided meditation to support your self-inquiry, just ask!

The next cohort of MURMURATIONS begins in June- maybe this conscious community can help you shape what’s springing forth from you! It is so joyful and fulfilling to guide and grow with this cohort, I am delighted to usher in the next.

This 6 month immersion is a space where growing, healing and awakening together to something bigger than ourselves is our priority. 

If it calls to you, explore the website, watch my invitation and reach out to see if it’s in right rhythm for you. And if you know someone who’d enjoy joining us, please share it with them.

in beauty, joy and wonder!


Not just a course. Not just a community. 

It’s transformation. It’s home coming.  

Intimate group limited to 8 participants, 6 months,12 live group calls, 2 individual sessions, 2 personalized consults, small group practices, partnered session exchanges, tailored home practices, readings, meditations, movies, an online community to journey with, surprises! FUN! and so much more!

This journey in transformational community is for you if you are wanting:

– to cultivate presence and live anchored in your center regardless of circumstances.
– to come out of your closet and own your truth and purpose.
– more real, balanced and connected relationships.
– to deeply love and understand yourself and the nature of experience.
– to connect with natural intelligence and make sense of your role on Earth. 
– playful and grounded spiritual development in a sandbox of value-aligned peers! 

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