Turning arrows into roses

I want to tell you a story that annihilated me into itself when I heard it. Maybe it will annihilate you too, and point you back to essence...A story that almost could be from the Mahabharata, that almost could have happened. But it didn't.And not the way I am going to tell it. And none of this will matter if you feel [...]

Grandmother Imaginings

“So listen, I am imagining. I imagine that I awaken here on Sacred Mother Earth and marvel that I am alive and part of Creation  I imagine that Creation has given me a body that I  respect and love. I imagine that I will learn with my physical existence as long as I inhabit my [...]

Big Love meets Big Love!

Baby, just let it fly! Photo by Ishita Sharma. Louvre, Paris. Circa 2007. Dear one,In my morning session today a beautiful client and I laughed for a good 10 minutes as she saw how she was playing the game of life, trying so hard to hide the Big Big Love she actually is! Who did she think [...]

Naked, you walk

Naked,you walk the edge of a precipice back where youbegan         again            to end beginthey say awakening is a360 degree turnand youhave turned so oftenfalling down a bottomless pit this state of             suspendedmotionno beginning no end no forward no behind no inside no out no up no down no [...]

Dancing ancestors into being

I had the privilege of dancing Oak Dance last weekend, my first step into Native American ceremonial space. It was time. I am American now. Dancing to the Tree of Life to bring Light down into the earth for collective liberation. Dancing to celebrate Life, release and renew Self...While the core group danced in person, [...]

EQUINOX: Balancing masculine and feminine polarities

Happy Spring! And happy Equinox! Let's take a moment to celebrate we made it through a whole year in a pandemic amidst heightened tumult, before we begin life's next movement. The Equinox is recognized by Yogis as a day conducive to inner harmony. When we attune and balance this dimension in ourselves, with necessary preparation, it gives us an assist on [...]

Jesus says, “Know thy neighbor!”

2020 has made it clearer than ever that community is a deep human need! Connection is what we all want underneath all our wants- connection to ourselves, to each other, to something bigger than us. Here's a story about how I created my own community when I wanted it the most!

Listening for Collective Healing

We know listening is key to healing conflict, yet we seldom know where or how to begin. In this experiential live online session I led for the global Truth and Reconciliation Weekend, we explored listening through questions like: How can listening catalyze healing between and within us?How can we listen to those we disagree with?How [...]

Winter Solstice and Murmurations

This Winter Solstice closes out a big year, beginning an especially potent one, dissolving old forms and creating newness fueled by the fire 2020 lit in our hearts. It's extra special to me because, this year, my intention includes helping you birth yours!